We drove home from IL making a brief stop for dinner and baths through Dallas at Aunt Kathy and Uncle Devon's house and then back home to Austin on July 15th. The next day Grandma Julie came for the night after having been at Aunt Christy and Uncle Tim's house since the previous Wednesday. Aidan reminded her that he was 4 now and that she had promised him to make a Build a Bear when he was 4, so, after swim lessons they all went to make Aidan's bear. He dressed his white bear in Buzz Lightyear clothing and named it White Bear, affectionately known now as Buzz White Bear.
The next morning we got in the car and went to the airport to pick up Poppy George, Aunt Mary, Aunt Doris, Uncle Tony, Aunt Randi Kay and Cousins Chase and Lincoln who came to Texas for the week. We visited all afternoon and went to the pool that evening. The next morning we were up bright and early for our trip to Sea World. RK has a friend who got all of our tickets comped for the day as well as a behind the scenes tour after the Belluga Show. The kids loved getting to pet the Bellugas and see them up close. It was really neat! It rained for a good portion of the day which meant that the crowds were few. I think it was the first time that I went to Sea World and saw all of the shows! After a fun day we went home and were home by 11PM.
The next morning mom, RK, and Tony went to Schlitterbaun for the day in New Braunfels. Again, it rained in the morning and again, we were able to ride almost all of the rides. The sun came out by the afternoon and we had a great time.
The family all left on Friday for Houston to Julie and Mike's house. We went in early Saturday morning after I had a chance to buy the new Harry Potter book 6. It was edge of my seat reading. We were wall to wall people in their home. We slept on the floor in the dining room. It was a big slumber party.