Thursday, August 30, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Jeremy turns 30!
Everyone loved wearing sideburns!
Monday, August 6, 2007
On to Florida!
We left Houston early Sunday morning July 21st for another long day of travel, this time to Florida. We survived the trip and were in awe of the wonderful beach views when we got to Destin. OH MY GOSH doesn't begin to say it. It was absolutely gorgeous!! The beach was amazing and the Curlings Beach house was just the best accomodations stepping right out onto the beach with a hot tub off the bottom porch. We were spoiled rotten.

The week went by again too quickly. We spent our days swimming at the beach, then at the pool, then at the beach....Rough life I know. We also spent time taking in the breeze on the middle floor balcony reading and overlooking the beach. We saw a few sting rays in the water, that was neat. We also saw a big water spout out the balcony before a big storm, but just before we went out to take family beach photos that Lauren insisted we take that night before she left back home for Atlanta.
Aidan got to see his first movie at the theater on this trip, kind of. Gammy Carmen and Uncle Arthur took Lindsay, Maura and Aidan to see Ratatouille. Aidan loved the popcorn, candy and lemonade but fell asleep during the opening credits! Mommy and Daddy took in the latest Harry Potter movie, that was a nice date!
All in all, it was a fun trip and we were sad to see it come to an end. We woke early Saturday morning the 27th for our drive to Houston to pick up the dogs at Grandma Julie's and Poppy Mike's before returning home for a much calmer August!
IL Family trip to Texas
The next morning we got in the car and went to the airport to pick up Poppy George, Aunt Mary, Aunt Doris, Uncle Tony, Aunt Randi Kay and Cousins Chase and Lincoln who came to Texas for the week. We visited all afternoon and went to the pool that evening. The next morning we were up bright and early for our trip to Sea World. RK has a friend who got all of our tickets comped for the day as well as a behind the scenes tour after the Belluga Show. The kids loved getting to pet the Bellugas and see them up close. It was really neat! It rained for a good portion of the day which meant that the crowds were few. I think it was the first time that I went to Sea World and saw all of the shows! After a fun day we went home and were home by 11PM.
The next morning mom, RK, and Tony went to Schlitterbaun for the day in New Braunfels. Again, it rained in the morning and again, we were able to ride almost all of the rides. The sun came out by the afternoon and we had a great time.
The family all left on Friday for Houston to Julie and Mike's house. We went in early Saturday morning after I had a chance to buy the new Harry Potter book 6. It was edge of my seat reading. We were wall to wall people in their home. We slept on the floor in the dining room. It was a big slumber party.
Family Fun Summer- Trip to IL
After our weekend in Baton Rouge we left for IL on July 8th to visit Jeremy's family. We stopped in Memphis along the way and drove past Graceland, that was fun! We ate at the Rock and Roll Cafe and Jeremy got a 30 year anniversary Elvis T-shirt. Then it was on to IL. It was a long drive but not too long because when we got there the first thing the kids wanted to do was take a dip in Aunt Mary's pool!
We spent the week poolside and when we weren't at the pool we were relaxing. Alex really got into swimming this trip. The very first day he was a dare devil jumping off the diving board to Jeremy's arms! We spent one day at the St. Louis zoo. The day before our last was spent at the lake on Holiday Shores where Alex got out on a boat for the first time and went tubing. He and daddy rode along side Uncle Tony and cousin Chase. Aidan didn't feel like doing it this year but he would have had a lot of fun if he had!
Poppy George's house was nice with all of the updates. We enjoyed seeing Granny B and Aunt Pam too. Aunt Doris came down from Springfield and cousin Jeff spent a lot of time visiting. The kids loved playing on Chase and Lincoln's playscape at Aunt Randi Kay and Uncle Tony's house. We also loved playing with Madelyn and Gibson who are growing so quickly!
Our week was fun and too brief. We love spending time in IL.
Baton Rouge Wedding
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