Saturday, February 21, 2009

Audrey at exactly 2 months old- Feb 21, 2009

Here is our sweet little girl Audrey. She has her 2 month appointment this week. We'll see how much she has grown but poor thing will have her first round of shots. :-(

Friday, February 20, 2009

Audrey at 8 weeks February 09

Audrey playing. Alex is being cute too!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Browns and Tashjians- Cousins!

Alex, Laurel, Jonah, Audrey, and Aidan

Smiles and Giggles!

My little Audrey is now smiling and giggling!! She is 7 weeks old here. :-)

Some recent cute pictures!

Mommy and her kiddos!

Aidan and Alex love their little sister Audrey. She fell asleep on Aidan's bed and Aidan thought that was the coolest!