Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Week 08

We had a fun Easter this year. Jeremy's parents were in town the week prior and we went to Longhorn Caverns in Burnet. The boys actually did fairly well through the hour and a half tour. Aidan and Alex did a lot of egg hunting this year. They went to an Easter egg hunt Elizabeth Milburn Park, then they had a hunt at school, then they had a hunt at Kay Radden Park behind our house, then they hunted after church on Easter morning. That added up to too much candy! I think they have been on a sugar rush for over a week straight! Aidan learned a lot about Easter. He learned about the tomb that Jesus was in and His rising to life again. Very big stuff for a 4 year old. Alex just enjoyed dying eggs in the backyard with Poppy and Grandma Julie.

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